Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Resident Evil

So, I have recently viewed the second and third installments of the Resident Evil movie series. Ironically enough, I can somewhat relate these movies to Christianity.
In these movies, the main cause for the hordes of walking dead is the T-Virus: a biological weapon that was accidentally released. This virus infects the body, kills it, then re-animates the body so it is a walking corpse that needs to feed off the flesh of the uninfected.
Sin, which is a "resident evil," works the very same way. It is a virus, an infection, if you will, that exists all around us. It kills us, spiritually and physically, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus" (Rom 6: 23). Therefore, when we become Christians and wholly dedicate our lives to Him and live our lives accordingly, the infection of Sin is destroyed by the Blood of Christ, the only antidote. Being covered by the Blood of Christ and His grace, we are freed from sin and live in Christ; it makes us dead to sin and alive to Christ(Rom 6:1-14).

It's just a thought.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Politics of Drama


This will be my most controversial blog to date.

Ok, so, to elaborate, America is being destroyed by politics, and so is the church. But I'm not talking about prominent politicians from Washington who are stripping away the rights of the church. I'm talking about one of the biggest oxymorons in existence: church politics.
James 2: 1-13 tells us not to show partiality amongst ourselves. Yet, I obesrved some EXTREME favoritism within the church on saturday. I'm not gonna name churches or individuals, because my aim here is not to tear down anyone, but to make Christians aware of the problem of church politics.

You see, I was partaking in a drama and music competition saturday. Two or three groups stood out to me as obvious winners. The rest were good, but these few were great. Yet, when it came time for awards. two of these great groups were shafted. The awards went to the churches who were "politically involved" instead of the deserving churches. But, this problem goes much deeper than a meaningless competition. And it's not just in my denomination, but in every other as well. Denominations are sometimes nothing more than buisnesses, in a sense. This is very sad. We wonder why abortion is not abolished and America is on the brink of spiritual deprivation.
Politics should not exist within the church. Jesus did not tell Peter "upon this rock, I shall build my conforming poliitical system." Why can't we just put aside the favoritism and judgement and just be united in Christ?? This condition is the VERY reason why people do not enjoy church. They don't want to kiss butt just so they can be a part of something. On the contrary. The Word tells us that a man's gift will make room for him and place him among the great (Proverbs 18:16). God gives us gifts, and when it is His timing, He will put us among the great. We don't have to go through man to be recognized.

So, at the end of this blog, I issue to you, the true followers of Jesus Christ, a challenge. When ever you see or suffer an injustice because of church politics, call it out. Tall to your pastor, your youth leaders, and the ones who commit the injustice. Because, believe it or not, this is bigger and deeper than we really know. Revolt against the ungodly infuences in our churches, even in the high places.

I may get in trouble for this, but the truth must be told. I have remained silent for too long.

Let's start the Revolution. Together as One.