Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who Am I? - The First Objection to Calling

I’ve been doing some thinking lately (go figure, haha). My thoughts have parked on the issue of God’s calling on someone’s life. Interestingly enough, I’m taking a class that deals heavily on this subject, as well as another class that has touched on it. I’ve decided to write a little blog series about it.

So I watched The Prince of Egypt last night with my Old Testament Survey class. It was during this that God profoundly spoke to me on what to write about. He gripped my heart and opened my ears to a deeper message in the movie.

In case you haven’t figured it out, I’m writing about Moses.

You see, God called Moses to do His will, just like He has called many of you who may be reading this. A profound assignment was laid out for Moses to accomplish. Do you remember what Moses did?

He tried to chicken out.

Now, Moses wasn’t the only one who objected to his calling (remember Gideon and Jeremiah?), but he was the first. He objected FOUR different times to the call God had given him. Let’s look at the first one.


After God had given Moses his assignment, he tried to tell God that he was not good enough.

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’” (Ex.3:11)

This is the first attack on your calling. You are tricked by the enemy into thinking that you’re not worthy. This is typically the first excuse that some make. You feel like, for whatever reason, you are not qualified to do the task that God has set you apart to do. Really, all four objections Moses made were born of this one feeling of unworthiness. If you feel unworthy to even do the task set before you, then you will never take the first step into fulfilling your calling. It may have something to do with an event in your past.

If God chose people because of what they had or had not done, he wouldn’t have chosen half the people in the Bible. Moses killed a man and ran for his life. David also killed a man after sleeping with his wife, just so he could have her! Solomon slept around too much, and Elijah was always depressed. Peter was self-righteous, Paul killed Christians under a different name and, well, you get the idea.

There is nothing in your past that will hinder you from fulfilling the call God has on your life. Romans 8:30 says, “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.”

Here’s the best part. After Moses objected, God said this:

“And God said, ‘I will be with you. And this will be a sign to you that it is I who sent have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.’”(Ex. 3:12)

God Himself told Moses that he would be with him, and would continue to guide. When you take your first step, God is there, leading you. But, you have to take that first step….

What is God calling you to? Great or small, the calling is the same.

Just think about it…

Stick around. I have THREE more objections to cover. ;)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

GOD: me

"He must become greater, I must become less." - John 3:30

Think about that.

John the Baptist said those words. He was baptizing people when his own disciples came to him and told him Jesus was doing the same on the other side of the Jordan. They were worried that everyone was going to receive Jesus' baptism and not John's.

That was his response.

Do we really understand this? Do we live this out? Or are we too consumed with our selfish lives to stop and look at the GOD:self ratio?

I’m not writing this to chastise anyone or anything of that sort. But this realization came to me just the other day. How often do we really put God higher than ourselves?

We are a very selfish people. American culture is primarily focused on the self. Every day, media and pop culture vigorously advance the ever-growing kingdom of the self. Are we, as Christians, advancing the kingdom of God? I sincerely think that a lot of Christians are buying more into the kingdom to self.


Why? Why are we more worried about the way we look and dress and appear to others than we are about God? Why do we complain about missing one meal when there are those (which God has charged us to take care of; Matt 25:40) who have nothing to eat at all?

I think it’s time that we decrease so that he may increase, and increase greatly. I know it’s harder than it sounds, and in all honesty it sounds pretty hard. If anything, I’m addressing this note to myself, using this as a means of self-evaluation. So to everyone reading, and me, I issue a challenge.

Let’s fix the ratio. Think about ways you can increase God in your daily life. What can we lay aside? What can we do? Think about it, and get back to me. Don’t forget the ratio.


Viewpoints, Opinions, and Divisions.

I have once again felt the need to hash out the ever present problem with unity in the Body of Christ. I've been on this kick for quite some time, because the Lord won't let it leave me. This subject has become a reason for my existence. Ask anyone that knows me, and they'll tell you that unity is my thing. But this time, there is a more specific matter I would like to cover: books.

I was in Books-A-Million last night, browsing through various books and such, and I decided to wonder into the Christian section. I had already seen most of what was there in visits past. Yet, this time, I felt my heart grow heavy as I paid a better look at what I was seeing. This all started with a book I found that discredited some ministers and prophets who I know to be legitimate in their calling and teachings. Now, I did not begin to feel this way right away, but soon I saw more of it. One book on one part of the shelf would be there for the sole purpose of bashing another book on the other side. Again, my spirit began to remind me of the greater need for unity.

Guys, we live in a backward society that needs the Church as she is supposed to be: whole and able. Yet, we have let too much dissention come among us, thereby reducing the Body to a weak and almost powerless entity. I know that we all don't agree all the time, but there is a problem when Christians keep writing books to discredit other Christians. There are too many viewpoints and opinions out there destroying the unity of the Church. True, there may be some heresies and false teachings in the Body that need to be openly cast down, but seriously, this whole factor of disunity is coming down to the smallest of differences in OPINION!!!! Opinions and viewpoints are destroying us, people. my question to you is this: WHAT AE WE GONNA DO???

I'll give my answer later. I wanna see what everyone else says. Ya know, monitor opinions.....

Pride is gonna be an issue here too..........

Knowledge...or a Lack Thereof

So, for those who know me well, you know I'm a reader. I'll go to a bookstore once or twice a week just because I can. Well, lately my mind has puzzled with some questions while walking through the aisles of books. I will share one of these with you now.

I like theology, among many other things. Yet, a slight depression came over me as I browsed through the shelves that contained all the technical information of Christianity. I began to ask myself as I looked around, "What do these people know? Who are they to tell me what is and what isn't? Where do they get their knowledge, and what is knowledge anyway?? I grew irate and bitter, because I knew that some of this so-called "knowledge" was tearing Christianity apart. I was with a group of friends, and they noticed the change in my demeanor.

After having a little pow wow with Daddy(Jesus), I realized that I knew the answers to these questions. Or, rather, Daddy had given them to me a long time ago. You see, Proverbs 1:7 says, "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." The Message puts it this way: "Start with God- the first step in learning is bowing down to God; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning." So, true knowledge begins with Daddy. Without him, all else is useless and only fools reject his sound teachings. So, there's where you start.

Now, to address the destructive nature of some knowledge. As we all know, nothing can be done without love(1 Cor. 13). Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up, according to 1 Cor. 8:1. I wonder if sometimes if the big theologians and thinkers out there ever consider that. From the looks of some of those books on the shelves, I should say that many miss the mark, some simply out to prove the other wrong. If that be the case, then according to the Bible, the very thing that they are arguing over, proves their knowledge to be worthless.

This world doesn't need more thinkers. This world need people who will love. Love is the foundation of all knowledge, and true knowledge is from God. If we do not respect one another in our differences, then our knowledge and religion is nothing. Keep this in mind