Sunday, March 7, 2010

"How's a Raven Like a Writing Desk?": A Review of Alice in Wonderland

Earlier tonight, I went to see Tim Burton’s new movie, Alice in Wonderland. Let me tell you, I enjoyed it very much. This movie definitely warrants a Resistance Movie Review. So strap in everyone, and don’t drink unfamiliar substances, even if they do say: DRINK ME.

So, let me start by saying that this wasn’t the typical, ghastly dark film that you would expect to see come from the legendarily eccentric Tim Burton. For all you moviegoers who don’t roll with Tim Burton, give this one a chance. Sure there were a few things that were total giveaways for Burton, but all-in-all this movie was definitely user-friendly. This leads me to the next point. Should parents take kids to see this movie? The answer depends on the child. There is nothing inappropriate contained in this movie that would prevent families from being able to see it together. However, be warned that a few characters and creatures might scare smaller children.

Now, to the real matter at hand: Did this movie do justice to the original book and classic Disney cartoon? My answer for you is not a simple yes or no. You see, this film was never intended to provide a remake of or sequel to the original movie. Burton sought to provide a more connected story with this film, an element that the original film lacked. He used elements from all three Lewis Carroll works concerning Alice: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” “Through the Looking Glass,” and the poem, “Jabberwocky.” I feel like fans of the original movie and books will enjoy Burton’s adaptation.

Overall, Alice in Wonderland was a very entertaining move. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good time. Resistance Movie Review gives Alice in Wonderland 8.5 out of 10.