Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Denomination Syndrome: Part 1

I was on Myspace recently, like most, and I was struck with a sudden thought.

You see, I have a couple of friends whose titles are "Proud To Be Pentacostal" and "Proud To Be Baptist." Now, I know both of these guys, and they don't fight about this. However, their names make a statement. They both express great pride in their denominational beliefs.

Now, to my thought. Why do we take pride in denomination?? Don't get me wrong, it's great that these guys have pride in the kind of church they attend. Denominations do have thier place and function. I myself have been raised in the Church of God, a pentacostal denomination. Yet, I have learned that instead of telling people that I'm pentacostal, I tell them I am Christian.

Why??? Well, because that's what I am. First and Foremost.

Our pride should be in the Lord first, then our dotrine. I am not reprimanding those who take great pride in their denomination, but I am merely issuing a word of caution. Instead of first telling people your denomination, why not tell them you are merely a Christian??? The responses may surprise you.

Maybe instead of our titles advocating our type of church, why don't we bring attention to our pride in our Lord Jesus Christ??? If we have anything to boast about, it's simply the Lord (Jeremiah 9:23-24). Once again, being proud of your denomination isn't a bad thing, but, we need to bring focus to the Lord first. After all, it was Jesus who died and made available to us salvation through his redeeming blood, and no other.

We should simply be proud to be a Christian.

I have more on this, but not now. I also know that some may get a little upset at this post, and that's to be expected.

The truth hurts.

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