Sunday, March 7, 2010

"How's a Raven Like a Writing Desk?": A Review of Alice in Wonderland

Earlier tonight, I went to see Tim Burton’s new movie, Alice in Wonderland. Let me tell you, I enjoyed it very much. This movie definitely warrants a Resistance Movie Review. So strap in everyone, and don’t drink unfamiliar substances, even if they do say: DRINK ME.

So, let me start by saying that this wasn’t the typical, ghastly dark film that you would expect to see come from the legendarily eccentric Tim Burton. For all you moviegoers who don’t roll with Tim Burton, give this one a chance. Sure there were a few things that were total giveaways for Burton, but all-in-all this movie was definitely user-friendly. This leads me to the next point. Should parents take kids to see this movie? The answer depends on the child. There is nothing inappropriate contained in this movie that would prevent families from being able to see it together. However, be warned that a few characters and creatures might scare smaller children.

Now, to the real matter at hand: Did this movie do justice to the original book and classic Disney cartoon? My answer for you is not a simple yes or no. You see, this film was never intended to provide a remake of or sequel to the original movie. Burton sought to provide a more connected story with this film, an element that the original film lacked. He used elements from all three Lewis Carroll works concerning Alice: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” “Through the Looking Glass,” and the poem, “Jabberwocky.” I feel like fans of the original movie and books will enjoy Burton’s adaptation.

Overall, Alice in Wonderland was a very entertaining move. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good time. Resistance Movie Review gives Alice in Wonderland 8.5 out of 10.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Small Things: A Lesson from Toy Story

As I write this, I am watching the movie Toy Story.

Yes, you heard me. Toy Story.

My friends and I had gathered for a game of Risk. The first one to be eliminated from the game decided to put on Toy Story in order to occupy him while the game continued. As the movie progressed, our Risk game slowed. Turns were talking much longer than usual (for those who have played Risk, you know how long they can take) due to the fact that Toy Story was stealing our attention. Needless to say, the game ended soon after the movie began.

Now, I cannot speak for my friends and how they feel when they see this movie, but I for one was transported back into my past. I remembered my elementary days. I was picked up early from school by my parents one day. Upon getting in the car, they told me I was going to a movie. My excitement level was though the roof. Now I see that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but at the time it meant the world to me.

Academics, jobs, and other stresses in life tend to take a lot of joy from our lives. We wait for the big breaks and big nights out to provide relief. I gonna risk sounding cliché here. Sometimes, it’s the little things that get you through most days. There are a ton of people in a ton of places with an even bigger load of problems. But there’s always some little thing that comes along and gives you a little bit of a relief. It may not be a movie. It could be a song you hear. A phase that is quoted. A picture that was taken.

Remember to take comfort in the little things. Sure, this may sound ridiculous now, but I guarantee that after you read this post, you’ll walk out the door and unexpectedly find some little thing that will make you smile and restore your joy, if even for a fleeting moment, in this world that seems to slip further into pure chaos every day.

When you lose yourself in the chaos, God will always provide at least a modicum of joy that will remind you that there is hope and peace still attainable in this world.

The Lee Clarion: To Be Or Not To Be?

As some of you might have noticed, I have a little bit of an interest in writing. A few people have told me in past few days that I would make a great addition to the content of the school newspaper, the Lee Clarion. Taking this into consideration, I have decided that it is indeed something I would like to pursue. I have been in contact with the editor recently and am currently waiting for another reply. In the meantime, I would like your thoughts.

What do you think? Should I write for this newspaper? If you aren't sure, read through some earlier posts and decide for yourself. In addition to this, what category would you like to see me write in? News? Life? Opinion? Sports? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

University Issues, or Addressing Fridays at Lee.

This post is a little more unusual than most. Rarely do I directly address problems and happenings at Lee University, of which I am a student. I have let my friend and colleague, Matt Smith, do that. However, something disturbing going on around campus has prompted to me to act. For those of you who aren’t aware, I am referring to the nefarious blog, Fridays at Lee.

This blog is laced with personal attacks. Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but these posts go beyond that. They directly attack specific people and do everything they can to discredit students and faculty. They do so with vulgar language and contentious intentions. They have caused a firestorm here, and have remained anonymous to avoid the administration.

I have decided to speak out. As a student and a Christian, I find that these things said by Fridays at Lee are directly in contradiction to the Word of God. All the blog does is tear down, berate, and belittle. This, in of itself, should speak to its credibility (or lack thereof). I will also go out on a limb and defend those who voice their honest opinions on campus. Fridays at Lee has been attacking other Lee bloggers haphazardly. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but no one is entitled to attack another people’s reputations. That is about the only thing an individual has the right to damage for themselves.

So, Fridays at Lee, in short, it tearing down the Lee community. This needs to stop. All the gossip, slandering and backbiting must cease. Such has no place on this campus. I will not support or condone things said by those who have no interest in REAL truth. I will stand with the administration and students who have already taken a stand in this matter.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Grace and Peace
