Monday, May 18, 2009

Playing Dumb: Further Objections About Calling

In "Who Am I?", I shared with all of you my thoughts and revelations on calling. Let's recap on that before I cover the next three objections that we give.

I said that most objections to God's call on your life start with a feeling of unworthiness. This is the gateway to the self-destruction of your call. It is also the door that leads to any further objections to the task at hand. As you can see in the Bible, Moses objected FOUR different times, with "I'm not worthy" being the initial excuse. Now, let's jump into the other three.

OBJECTION #2: I Don't Know What To Do

Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ' The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, "What is his name?' What should I tell them?" (Exodus 3:13)

Now, this objection is more of an invitation for instruction. I believe that Moses really didn't know what to say to the Isarelites. You see, Moses understood the mentality of the Hebrews. After all, he had lived among them as a Egyptian for most of his life. He knew that the Hebrews would be doubtful if he couldn't give them some sort of legitimate answer. But, yet again, God gave him an answer.

God said to Moses, "I AM who I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites, 'I AM has sent me to you.'" God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, "The Lord, the God of your fathers- the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob- has sent me to you.'" (Exodus 3: 14-15)

You see, you are powerless to do anything without God. So, using the excuse of not knowing what to do is very pointless. NOBODY knows what to do without the direction of God. He will never lead you astray. If you follow his direction, everything will fall into place. Just look at what happened later on. Moses and Aaron went to the elders, per God's instructions, and the elders believed and worshiped (Ex. 4:29-31). That takes care of what you are supposed to do.


This is where unworthiness comes back into play. You see, because of the false sense of unworthiness, Moses believed that he was incapable of doing anything God had said. in Exodus 4:1, Moses tells God that they people will not believe him, and in verse 10, Moses tells God that he cant speak very well.

This is where things get interesting. God will always give a way of accomplishing the task at hand. If you read verses 2 - 9, God give Moses the power to do wonders. This is so the Israelites would believe in what Moses was saying. No problem, right? God has taken care of every problem Moses could have.


Moses STILL had to object by saying that he didn't have the ability to speak to the people. God had given him direction, words to say, and power!! But this was not enough to convince Moses to do anything. It was because of this stubbornness and fear that God became angry with Moses. In verse 11, God basically told Moses that if he had made Moses, then Moses could do what was asked of him. He told Moses that he would teach him what to say, and Moses still begs for God to send someone else!!! God becomes enraged and tells him to take Aaron with him to help speak (verse 14-17). In the end. God still provided a way for Moses to go about his task. I do believe, though, that if Moses had made one more objection, God would have really chosen someone else.

God has called you for a reason, and he wants YOU to do it. If God has said you can do it, THEN YOU CAN!! He isn't stupid; he knows what he's doing. Nothing you do our say can convince God that you are not capable of doing his will. But if you still refuse, then he will move on, and your life will be nothing but a shell of what it could have been.

You are called of God and are endowed with the abilities to do what he asks. He will guide you every step of the way and provide every means of accomplishing his will for your life. Be careful, though, because once you do, the enemy still has tricks up his sleeve.

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