Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Remembering Ideas

So, I bought a digital voice recorder. It came in today. I bought it mainly to keep track of ideas when I can't write them down. You thinkers out there, you know how it goes. You can be anywhere and a very profound thought enters into your already bombarded mind. You want to write it down, but most of the time you can't because carrying a pen and some paper around is not always the best thing to do. But, those awesome epiphanies always come when we can't write them down. By the time I get back to my dorm to write my awesomely profound thought down, I've forgotten it.

Now, with the help of this small device, I can speak my ideas into a little microphone and remember them long enough to do something productive with them. For those who may read this and decide to buy one, eBay is an awesome place to get one. I encourage all you thinkers out there to try this idea out with me. Hopefully we can all be more productive now.

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