Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Key to Unity

So, unity in the Body of Christ is a big issue with me. so much so that I am about to speak on it a second time to my youth group. Yet, there is a difference this go around. You see, most people think you are in unity if there are no cliques or favoritism. This, unfortunately, is not true.

I was a little shocked by this revelation, as there isn't anything left to do to disband strife. Or so I thought.

Ephesians 4:3 tells use to do whatever we must to keep the spirit of unity. There is one thing that we tend to overlook. When we have no problem with one another and are loving each other, we are united. But there is a definite difference between being united and having unity. The word Unite means to join together, whereas the word Unity means to have a singleness of purpose. You can be united without having unity. Look at how successful the Apostles were in their ministry. Acts 4:32-33 says that the Apostles were all in one heart and mind. some translations read "one mind and one accord." This, my friends, is the key. We are in true unity when we all come into one place for the same reason and the same goal: to worship God and let Him do what he wants in His house. Only will we be in unity. We have to stop going to Church to socialize or any other reason. If you want to see the miracles return and revival to come, seek Him, and encourage others to do the same. Then and only then will Joel 2: 28-32 be fulfilled.

Just a thought.

I'll have more about this later. Life's crazy right now.

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