Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer, Insomnia, and the Realization of Change

So, yea, things have been crazy.

I really don't know who will read this. I don't care.

I just like to toy with the idea that people read the crap I put on here.

It's theraputic.

I just graduated from Mary G. Montgomery High School. In a mix-up while trying to switch jobs, I no longer have a job. Therefore, I am suffering from a common yet brutal ailment: boredom. Along with this ailment comes another. Let's call it insomnia. I find it progressively harder to fall asleep every night. This is because I can't slow my mind down. This has severely altered my circadian rhythm.

You see, I live in Semmes, Al., five minutes from the city of Mobile. I have lived here my whole life. I know every road, every store, and every person. I am eighteen. Yet, as I type this, my time here is growing ever shorter and shorter. Soon, I will move away from here, and never call this place my home again.

Things are changing. Dramatically.

Where I am going isn't relevant. I said all of that to say this: Everything is changing.

My friends are going through a lot of things right now. Even my older friends are at a crossroads. My church stands at a decision point as well, and they don't even know it. Our country is turning. Everything is changing, or crying out for change.

Am I surprised at all of this?? No

Am I a bit overwhelmed at the subtleness of its coming and the force of its impact?? Yes

Right now, more than ever, we need to ask God for direction. Instead, people are turning to other people first. They turn to psychics, doctors, Oprah, and a presidential candidate who does nothing but promise change he cannot bring.

Not meaning to get political, but I don't trust Barrack Obama as far as I can spit.

That's not far, by the way.

It is in God we must put our trust. We must return to the faith that our nation once held in such high regard. If we don't, the shifting currents of the ever-decaying society will overwhelm and desrtoy us. I hate to say this, but it's the truth. No longer will I water-down my opinions to avoid stepping on toes. I say, we must turn to God, or perish.

I'm really not a hell-fire, brimstone kinda guy. I always believe in giving hope to people when bad news or hard truth is made known. There is hope for us. Change isn't bad all the time, and it isn't good some of the time. God is the answer. He is the only one who doesn't change. He is ever reliable and constantly with us. Our nation, our churches, and our fellows don't have to become hopeless in all this.

We must simply turn to Jesus.

End of story.

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