Friday, March 5, 2010

The Small Things: A Lesson from Toy Story

As I write this, I am watching the movie Toy Story.

Yes, you heard me. Toy Story.

My friends and I had gathered for a game of Risk. The first one to be eliminated from the game decided to put on Toy Story in order to occupy him while the game continued. As the movie progressed, our Risk game slowed. Turns were talking much longer than usual (for those who have played Risk, you know how long they can take) due to the fact that Toy Story was stealing our attention. Needless to say, the game ended soon after the movie began.

Now, I cannot speak for my friends and how they feel when they see this movie, but I for one was transported back into my past. I remembered my elementary days. I was picked up early from school by my parents one day. Upon getting in the car, they told me I was going to a movie. My excitement level was though the roof. Now I see that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but at the time it meant the world to me.

Academics, jobs, and other stresses in life tend to take a lot of joy from our lives. We wait for the big breaks and big nights out to provide relief. I gonna risk sounding cliché here. Sometimes, it’s the little things that get you through most days. There are a ton of people in a ton of places with an even bigger load of problems. But there’s always some little thing that comes along and gives you a little bit of a relief. It may not be a movie. It could be a song you hear. A phase that is quoted. A picture that was taken.

Remember to take comfort in the little things. Sure, this may sound ridiculous now, but I guarantee that after you read this post, you’ll walk out the door and unexpectedly find some little thing that will make you smile and restore your joy, if even for a fleeting moment, in this world that seems to slip further into pure chaos every day.

When you lose yourself in the chaos, God will always provide at least a modicum of joy that will remind you that there is hope and peace still attainable in this world.

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